Most common questions related to NIPT Test.

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Most common questions related to NIPT Test.


NIPT is a short form of Noninvasive Prenatal testing and it uses a blood test that can be done in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. This kind of testing is used to look for some of the genetic disorders like Down syndrome and other chromosomal number-related conditions.

Is the NIPT test conclusive?

The NIPT test is a screening test in nature that means it is not definitive. This test screens for the genetic disorder and chromosomal conditions at 10 weeks of pregnancy or later but does not indicate the presence of the genetic disorder for sure. As a result, a “normal” NIPT test does not imply a healthy kid, and an “abnormal” result does not imply that your baby has a specific genetic disorder. However, NIPT has the best overall detection rate of all screening tests.

Because CVS and amniocentesis are currently the only two tests used to determine Down syndrome and other chromosomal disorders, doctors advise having CVS or amniocentesis if NIPT shows a possible problem.


How does this test work?

Your blood is drawn, and your sample is transported to a facility for examination. The test looks for bits of cell-free DNA flowing in your blood from your placenta. Doctors can identify if your baby is more likely to develop certain problems by looking at his or her chromosomes.

Can a NIPT test determine the sex of the fetus?

Since the NIPT tests examine chromosomes it can tell the sex of the child.

Types of disorders that NIPT can screen for?

NIPT tests can normally screen for trisomy 21, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, Turner syndrome, and some other conditions like Klinefelter syndrome.

Limitations of the NIPT test?

NIPT can not scan for disorders like neural tube defects, heart defects, and abdominal wall defects.

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